Everything you need to enjoy Tango in Buenos Aires

Welcome to tango

"Tango awaits you"
- Anibal "Pichuco" Troilo -

choose your theme

The Milongas: Where to Dance Tango?

All the Milongas and Practicas from the most traditional and emblematic to the most informal.

Tango Lessons

Schools, teachers and masters of all levels and styles. Tango salón, milonguero, stage, etc.

Tango Shoes

To dance you need good shoes and that also have the tango style. Meet the direct manufacturers!

Tango Clothes

Tango has its own aesthetic. Discover the creators of stylish dancewear for men and women.

Rehearsal rooms

Si necesitas practicar y mejorar tu Tango, nada mejor que salas acondicionadas para este fin

Taxi Dancers Tango

A companion who guides you in the milongas and dances with you is a great experience.

Tango Hotels & Tango Houses

You have many options for your stay in Buenos Aires and with a Tango flavor. Come discover them!

Airport Transfer

If you need someone to take you and bring you to the airport, here is a list of excellent services.

Tango DJ' s

The best tandas you enjoy are the product of the Tango DJ's. Come meet them!

Photography & Video

If you need a professional job for your image or as a souvenir, here you will find professionals.

Where to eat? Buenos Aires gastronomy

Argentina has its own gastronomy that is varied and exquisite. Come meet her!

Tango dinner show

Enjoy a dinner show with the best Tango dance and music shows.

Publica tu evento gratis

Si realizas alguna actiidad en el Tango y quieres hacerla conocer, rellena el siguiente formulario y te la publicaremos GRATIS.


Argentina es un país maravilloso lleno de encanto.
Es el 8vo país más grande del mundo con casi todos los climas y extenciones geográficas maravillosas.
Su cultura y el calor de su gente hará que tu experiencia en Argentina sea inolvidable.